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Natural Fertility Boosters: Top 10 Things You Need To Do To Boost Your Fertility Naturally

Plant Mother Editorial Team

Natural Fertility Boosters: Introduction

Some fertility clinics will tell you it’s not possible to influence egg and sperm health. This is not true. You can significantly improve both your egg and sperm health as well as your overall health. And you can do it with affordable natural fertility boosters.

In this article, we’ll show you how to make simple changes that give your body exactly what it needs to gently overcome what is preventing you from conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy. The key is in an integrative approach. 

We’ve found that the synergistic combination of several natural fertility boosters is where dramatic results are achieved. What’s best, you can make the effort so enjoyable that you’ll love the process and will feel like you’re really taking charge of your health, fertility, and pregnancy.   

Natural Fertility Boosters: Table of Content

1. Get Rid Of Endocrine Disruptors

2. Improve Your Egg Health

3. Avoid Environmental Toxins

4. Reduce Your EM Exposure

5. Clean Up Your Diet

6. Intermittent Fasting

7. Improve Your Sleep Quality

8. Be Active Daily

9. Avoid and Mitigate Stress

10. Stay Positive

1. Get Rid Of Endocrine Disruptors

What are endocrine disruptors? Everything that causes hormonal imbalance. First it is most probably your skincare and cosmetics. If you’re using conventional skincare, it contains toxic chemicals that can long term seriously impact your fertility.

One of the most important natural fertility boosters is switching to organic, non-synthetic, and non-toxic skincare and cosmetics. Plant Mother’s line with organic Vitamin C Serum and Retinol Serum is famed for its 100% organic vegan formulas, made fresh with home-grown plants. The line has all-natural ingredients that are highly nutritious, healthy, and gluten-free. Made without any GMO and pesticides.

Next, your household items, such as cleaners, laundry detergent, floor polish, air fresheners, can all be sources of hormonal imbalance. Household cleaning products are full of phthalates. At low levels they disrupt hormonal balance. At high levels, they have been linked to miscarriage and testicular toxicity.

In case you’re pregnant or nursing, the importance of making healthy, organic choices in your personal cosmetics is as important as it is during the TTC period. You should know if Vitamin C while breastfeeding or Bakuchiol vs Retinol is the right choice for you during pregnancy and nursing.


2. Improve Your Egg Health

Pesticides and herbicides are known to interfere and disrupt ovulation and can damage your egg quality. Most people take pesticide and herbicides via food, personal cosmetics, and unfiltered tap water. These harmful substances can trigger conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and poor sperm development, among others. You have to eliminate these fertility damaging chemicals. Eliminating them will be one of the significant natural fertility boosters for you.

3. Avoid Environmental Toxins

One of the most common reasons for environmental toxicity is that toxins from your diet, lifestyle, and environment make their way into your body. This is especially true with older couples, because they have had more long-term exposure to common reproductive toxins.

You already know that toxic substances are everywhere in our environment. And many can impact your fertility if left unaddressed. When you walk down the street you breath in car exhaust, secondhand smoke, perfume, and all sorts of other chemicals.

At-home sources include food, personal care products, and household items. The toxins and mold that cover coffee beans can be endocrine disruptors too. Be sure to buy organic coffee and from trusted brands.

There are also toxins in our workplaces. The good news is that your body naturally wants to eliminate these toxins. Your body works toward health and fertility. And with a little prompting, you can give it the conditions to do so. That’s why very often we see women go through skin purging while getting their body cleansed out of toxins. 

4. Reduce Your EM Exposure

Reducing your EM exposure is another natural fertility booster. Be diligent about not sleeping with your wireless on, not keeping your cell phone next to your bed, and not having any electrical appliances on all the time and in your bedroom. Take the TV out of your bedroom (and your cell phone if possible).

We recommend that you get one of those Q-Link shields to wear at all times. These have been properly studied over many years and have been shown to work by enhancing your body’s own EM field to offer more resistance to EM fields of gadgets and therefore protect you from their negative effects.


5. Clean Up Your Diet

A fertility diet is another important natural fertility booster. It needs to be as fresh as possible and organic whenever possible. Eating organic means eliminating pesticides and toxins that come with conventional food. It also means reducing the risk for endocrine disruptors and hormonal imbalances. Organic food, similar to organic skincare and cosmetics, is way healthier and way more nutritious. Conventional food, on the other hand, is stripped of rich nutritious profile and often full of pesticides or GMOs. And they all act as endocrine disruptors and negatively affect your fertility.

Eat more protein and healthy fats. Incorporate nutrients like magnesium and phosphatidylserine. Also, remove sugar, caffeine, and alcohol from your diet. Alcohol is harmful to eggs and sperm and as little as one glass can reduce fertility by 50%. Stop all these habits for at least 6 months before conception and preferable make these changes part of your clean lifestyle routine forever. During pandemic and with a discussion about covid vaccine and fertility, it is important more than ever to clean up your diet, cosmetics, and your lifestyle.

6. Intermittent Fasting

Try skipping breakfast and eating only from lunch onwards. You may have an oily tea (mixed with MCT oil and a teaspoon of ghee) or a version of decaf coffee in the morning to help you over until lunch. This practice has been shown to rejuvenate cells and promote the removal of diseased and old cells. It can help you lose weight if this is necessary and regulate your blood sugar which is key for fertility.

Also, try to avoid eating less than 2 hours before going to bed. Going to bed without a full stomach (if not slightly hungry) will promote a positive hormonal response during sleep, which is one of the natural fertility boosters.

7. Improve Your Sleep Quality

For fertility and healthy eggs, sleep is of paramount importance. You need a minimum of 8 hours a night. Aim to go to bed between 9 and 10 pm. Wake up between 6 and 7 am. Try to maintain this schedule on the weekends too. This is probably one of the easiest natural fertility boosters.

Put your phone on flight mode and disconnect your internet during the night. Also make sure not to eat for at least 3 hours before going to bed as to not digest your food while sleeping which will only give you poor sleep.

8. Natural Fertility Boosters - Be Active Daily

Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. It can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life. Sweat daily!

A minimum of 30 minutes a day can allow you to enjoy these benefits.  

9. Avoid and Mitigate Stress

Stress is a serious enemy of your fertility. Optimal sleep, regular walks in nature, yoga, meditation, affirmations, visualizations, hobbies, friendships, and sport are just some of the ways to keep your stress levels in check and get the healthy work-life-stress balance you need for a healthy pregnancy. Start practicing stress management techniques and incorporate reishi and cordycep mushrooms into your diet to minimize negative effect of stress. Many fertility crystals and chakra stones can help balance your body and mind. 

You can use adaptogens to help you create a healthy response to everyday stress. They help adrenal and thyroid glands work better and are also one of natural fertility boosters due to helping you reduce stress.


10. Stay Positive

Your mindset and your thoughts can be powerful and affect your body. Start your day by keeping a gratitude journal or having gratitude thoughts. Go out every day, even for a short walk. Try to spend some time in the sun – at least 10-15 minutes to soak up some vitamin D. Focus on good things and surround yourself with good and positive people. Enjoy little pleasures in life. Every person is different, and those little pleasures could be different for each individual. For some it is a bubble bath or meditation, for others dance class or a Netflix show. Whatever it is – make sure you find time each and every day to enjoy!

Natural Fertility Boosters: Final Thoughts

  • Get Rid Of Endocrine Disruptors and switch to organic and healthy skincare and cosmetics.
  • Improve Your Egg Health by eliminating reproductive toxins from your lifestyle.
  • Avoid Environmental Toxins that could be affecting your health and fertility through food, water, and personal care products.
  • Reduce Your EM Exposure by making small changes such as removing TV from your bedroom and putting your phone on flight mode over night.
  • Clean Up Your Diet by switching to organic food to avoid exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and other hormone disruptors.
  • Intermittent Fasting can help keep you young, vital, and healthy. Start your day with a few hours of abstaining from fodder do the fasting in the evening if that works better for you.
  • Improve Your Sleep Quality will help boost your fertility and reduce your stress levels. It’s probably the easiest thing your can do for your health.
  • Be Active Daily, you will not only feel better and be more positive, you’ll also boost your fertility and your hormonal balance.
  • Avoid and Mitigate Stress – stress is one of the biggest enemies of your fertility.
  • Stay Positive. TTC and fertility journey are not easy. There will be ups and downs but you have to stay positive and hopeful.

Medical Disclaimer

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The publisher of this content does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, skincare product, or lifestyle program.

Plant Mother Editorial Team
Plant Mother's editorial team consists of skincare experts, dermatologists, and enthusiasts who love all things natural, vegan, and organic. They contribute to the Plant Mother blog, a comprehensive resource on skincare products, ingredients, and beauty how to’s.