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What Are The 34 Symptoms Of Menopause?

Plant Mother Editorial Team

So what are the 34 symptoms of menopause? All women will experience menopause someday, but it’s a subject that’s rarely ever touched upon when we’re taught about our bodies. As a result, we aren’t taught what changes to expect in our bodies. Here we’ll walk you through everything you might experience during menopause. It is highly unlikely that you will experience all 34 of these symptoms. However, it’s important that you be aware of what could be going on in your body. There’s a lot to cover and it can be overwhelming, so we’ve broken the 34 symptoms down by region of the body. They include:

  • Whole Body
  • Mind
  • Head
  • Chest
  • Lower Abdomen
  • Extremities
  • How Can You Treat (Some) Of The Symptoms Of Menopause?

Firstly, What is Menopause and Why Does it Happen?

Menopause is, above all, natural and absolutely nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It signals the end of your menstrual cycles and usually occurs in a female’s 40s or 50s. A number of factors cause menopause, but the most common is the body’s natural decline in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones regulate your ovulation and their decline is what prevents pregnancy after menopause. In addition to regulating your menstrual cycle, estrogen is critical to a myriad of functions in the body.

This is why there are so many seemingly unrelated symptoms during menopause. Additionally, menopause isn’t an overnight change or even one experienced over the course of a single year. It sets in slowly over the course of many years and your symptoms may accumulate as it progresses.

What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause - Whole Body

  1. Hot Flashes – The most common symptom of menopause. They are random bouts that cause a person to feel hot and sweaty, especially in the decolletage and face.
  2. Night Sweats – Hot flashes, but at night. They can disrupt sleep which can lead to other problems we’ll expand on later.
  3. Joint Pain – Because estrogen is responsible for managing inflammation in the joints and keeping them lubricated, many people experience joint pain during menopause. This comes as a result of decreased estrogen levels in the body which can lead to higher instances of inflammation in the joints.
  4. Muscle Aches and Pains – For similar reasons to joint pain, many people experience muscle pain as a result of declining estrogen levels.
  5. Electric Shock – Many people report experiencing feeling small electric shocks during menopause. For the most part, they feel similar to a shock from static electricity.
  6. Itchy and Dry Skin – Estrogen is linked to collagen production and sebum regulation. As a result, many people experience itchy, dry skin when their estrogen levels go down. In addition to itchy, dry skin, the skin can become looser, especially around the face and neck. Crepey skin lacks collagen. For an organic and hormonally safe anti-aging treatment, check out Plant Mother’s Vegan Vitamin C and Retinol Serums
  7. New or Worsening Allergies – Histamine levels can spike during menopause, which may exacerbate existing allergies or create new responses.
  8. Osteoporosis – A slight decrease in bone density is not uncommon during menopause. However, in more extreme cases, this can lead to full-on osteoporosis. If you suspect this may be happening to you, please consult your doctor.
  9. Body Odor – Between hot flashes and night sweats, menopause causes a lot of sweating. All this new sweat can cause more body odor than one may be accustomed to.
  10. Weight Gain – There are a number of reasons one may gain weight during menopause. Lower estrogen levels can slow the metabolism. They can also affect the mood which may impact diet and exercise leading to weight gain.

Menopause Symptoms - Mind

11. Mood Changes – Just like when you’re on your period, changes in hormones can affect your mood. Practicing mindfulness can help stabilize mood swings.

12. Irritability – Again, similar to when you’re on your period, changes in hormones can make one feel irritable. Additionally, the increased stress and lack of sleep menopause causes can exacerbate this problem.

13. Decreased Libido – Lower levels of estrogen can make physical arousal more difficult. However, one’s overall mood and feeling of physical comfort can also affect libido. Being tired, bloated, and stressed is not conducive to a desire to have sex.

14. Fatigue – There are many reasons for feeling fatigued during menopause ranging from hormonal changes themselves.

15. Sleep Disturbance – It may become harder to fall asleep and stay asleep during menopause in addition to the disturbances caused by night sweats.

16. Difficulty Concentrating – Hormones may cause brain fog, which can lead to trouble focusing. Additionally, mental fogginess has also been linked to decreased estrogen levels.

17. Memory Lapses – As with concentration, declining estrogen levels and poor quality sleep may cause memory lapses.

18. Depression – Hormonal changes themselves may trigger situational depression. However, depression during menopause has also been linked to stress, weight gain, and the fact that menopause is a big life change.

19. Anxiety – Like depression, anxiety during menopause can be caused by hormonal imbalances or external symptoms like sleep. Meditation can help with anxiety. 

20. Panic Disorders – Some people experience panic attacks during menopause when they had no history of panic disorder. As with the other mood disorders mentioned above, panic disorder can be caused by both hormonal imbalances and external fears.


Menopause Symptoms - Head

21. Headaches – If you experience headaches or migraine during your period, you’re likely to experience them during menopause as a result of declining estrogen levels.

22. Burning Mouth – Feelings of eating something spicy, tenderness, or numbing around the mouth as a result of hormonal changes are not uncommon during menopause.

23. Change in Taste – This is similar to changes in taste experienced during pregnancy due to fluctuating hormone levels.

24. Hair Loss – Hair follicles shrink as a result of ovarian hormonal changes, which causes hair to shed more easily, become thinner, and grow slower.

25. Dizzy Spells – Insulin production decreases as a result of hormonal changes. This makes it difficult for the body to maintain stable blood sugar, which can cause dizzy spells.

What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause - Chest

26. Breast Soreness – This is common in the early stages of menopause, but it should decrease as changes progress.

27. Irregular Heartbeat – Arrhythmia is not uncommon during menopause. If you feel you may be experiencing this, notify your doctor so your condition can be monitored.

What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause - Lower Abdomen

28. Irregular Periods – Increasingly irregular periods are the hallmark of menopause. Eventually, all menstruation will stop entirely.

29. Vaginal Dryness – Hormones like estrogen and progesterone ensure blood circulation to the vagina, so a decrease in hormones can lead to drying of the vaginal walls.

30. Bloating – Water retention, gassiness, and decreased metabolism are all a result of stress and are common during menopause. Bloating can also be triggered by a change in diet.

31. Changes in Digestion – Estrogen and progesterone affect the gut microbiome which means it can change during menopause. One may develop new sensitivities to certain foods.

32. Incontinence – Also known as “overactive bladder,” the frequent or sudden urge to urinate is extremely common during menopause. It is caused by hormone levels weakening the bladder and pelvic muscles.

Menopause Symptoms - Extremities

33. Tingling – Hormone fluctuations in the central nervous system can cause bouts of tingling in the hands, arms, feet, and legs.

34. Brittle or Weak Nails – A decrease in keratin production may cause nails to weaken as they require keratin to stay healthy.

How Can You Treat (Some of) the 34 Symptoms of Menopause?

It’s important to discuss treatment options with your doctor, but there are some all-natural home remedies available. Teas can go a long way to settle an upset stomach or mind. Organic kombuchas and other fermented foods bolster the gut microbiome. 

There are many more tips, tricks, and medications for managing symptoms of menopause. It is important to know how to balance your hormones naturally. For more information on treatments more specifically oriented specifically towards menopause, check out the National Women’s Health Network.

Medical Disclaimer

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The publisher of this content does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, skincare product, or lifestyle program.


Plant Mother Editorial Team
Plant Mother's editorial team consists of skincare experts, dermatologists, and enthusiasts who love all things natural, vegan, and organic. They contribute to the Plant Mother blog, a comprehensive resource on skincare products, ingredients, and beauty how to’s.